Window Installation
Window replacement on the upper level.

Window replacement on the upper level.
Replaced windows of the top two condo units.
Replaced fence, including gate. Northgate area.
Usually, I would trim the pickets to be perfectly straight across the top, but the customer wanted the picket heights to follow the slope of the ground. In this case, I made the pickets gradually step up or down to create a gradual uniform line across the top, which mirrors the slope of the earth below.
A car hit the exterior wall. Repaired exterior and interior walls.
Deck flooring (decking) replacement and improvement at an apartment building.
Replaced decking (flooring) and balusters (vertical retaining pieces under railing). In order to do this, we needed to replace a 5×5 beam, which included jacking the roof up to accommodate the beam.
The customer requested unusual placement for this railing installation. Needed to pour concrete blocks to accommodate the request.